Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Nestle's Obesity Summer Swindle

Nestle's Obesity Summer Swindle: so is Nestle in Croydon conning the Nation with it's get set go free campaign?

Will the calories you have to eat to get the tokens over shadow the calories you could burn from doing the activity?

Will it be a net weight gain or net weight loss?

More childhood obesity or less?

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Boris Mayor of London Rd Kidnapped!

DAD'S TIME PLAY GROUP: - Boris, The Mayor of London Road Croydon is kidnapped and finally lost for words as he hops on and off a London bus to take a tour or the dads time family toddler activity play group in Croydon set up specifically to support dads and their children.


The government want people back to work at the same time as threatening to reduce child care and activity centres such as dads time. It's vital for social equity and development that dad's have a place to go with their kids. Research available from the Pre School Learning Alliance shows a number of benefits for children who have a stable and empowering relationship with their fathers that benefit society and community immensely.

Projects such as dadstime are vital for children's emotional, educational and physical well-being as well as impacting on health and nutrition and general social development.

Mobile Phone Version Boris Goes to Dadstime