Monday 23 November 2009

London in 5 a Day : Video : Pics

London's scrumptious skyline: Video: Good Food Channel

London has been given the 5 a day fruit and vegetable healthy treatment in this incredible creation commissioned by the Good Food Channel (formerly UKTV Food)

The finished artwork took Carl Warner and his team of five model makers three weeks to craft, construct and compile. Challenges they faced included how to keep the fresh and highly perishable fruit and vegetables looking their best for the final image and which types of produce would compliment the grandeur of the iconic buildings.

London's premier landmark Big Ben was recreated with slices of citrus fruit while an edible version of The Houses of Parliament is built with a mix of asparagus, green and runner beans subtly mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework of the political palace.

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend,
    In order to spread and disseminate the information contained in the latest report from the the World Watch Institute, "the 51% campaign" has been launched by an animal and environmental protection organization.
    The organizers wish to inform those attending Copenhagen that 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions are from the livestock sector, it is for this goal that they have created the website

    If you visit the solutions page there are various actions you can take, for example the 2nd solution allows you to send a letter to a number of the EPA officials and environment minister worldwide. You can also add a 51% banner to your blog or website.
    So in the run up to Copenhagen, please visit
    and send a letter to those attending COP15 and spread this website to your friends and Family!


Thanks so much for your comment - for more info see